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  • America's position in the Russia-Ukraine war, learning from past mistakes
America's position in the Russia-Ukraine war, learning from past mistakes
2 Days ago

America's position in the Russia-Ukraine war, learning from past mistakes

Since the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war, the world's most powerful nations have been divided into two opposite poles. On the one hand, Ukraine is a NATO ally of the United States, and on the other hand, Russia is one of the world's superpowers and allies. Given the horrific experience of past... more

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Publish Date

18 May 2022

Since the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war, the world's most powerful nations have been divided into two opposite poles. On the one hand, Ukraine is a NATO ally of the United States, and on the other hand, Russia is one of the world's superpowers and allies. Given the horrific experience of past wars and the devastating effects on the country's economy, at present no country wants to be directly involved in a war. However, despite not being directly involved in the war, the United States and its Western allies have been providing military and military assistance to Ukraine. On the other hand, it is trying to keep up the pressure on Russia at the international level by creating strong obstacles. 


Despite all this, Russia continues to cross one hurdle after another, ignoring the United States and its allies. Almost three months after the war, Russia made the attack even more horrific and devastating. Many feel that America, the world's superpower, has lost some of its dominance in the world court over Ukraine.


The United States continues to import crude oil from Russia, despite financial constraints. As soon as this news came out, many statesmen raised questions about the duality of America.


Earlier, US troops from Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan had awkwardly left the country. In it, many have labeled America as a selfish country.  But this time, the White House has promised to stay by Ukraine's side until the end of the Russia-Ukraine war, learning from past events.

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